

If you are interested in applying for interconnection to 韦伯斯特电力合作社’s (Cooperative) electrical system, you should first contact the Cooperative and ask for information related to the interconnection of a parallel distributed generation unit (i.e. hydrogen fuel cell; or generating system powered the by sun, 风能或生物质能)到合作社的系统. It is important that you understand this information before proceeding with the project. (*Any consumer who connects in parallel phase and synchronization with any retail electric supplier without written approval can be immediately and without notice disconnected with electric service.)

Missouri’s 净计量 Rules and Regulations are based on new legislation that took effect January 1, 2008. The “净计量及便捷接驳” states that the distributed generation is intended to primarily offset part or all of the customer-generator’s own electrical energy requirements. Full retail price is paid (credited) for all energy put on the grid up to the amount purchased that month from the utility. 例如, all kilowatt hours put onto the grid by the consumer will be subtracted from the total amount purchased that month from the Cooperative. The customer will pay only the “net” difference as calculated by using the applicable standard rate. Avoided cost is paid for all energy put on the grid in excess of that month’s purchase. This amount above what is purchased can remain as a credit on the customer’s bill for up to a maximum of 1 year. 如果在一年内未使用或在断开连接时,该月的信用额度将到期. 所有标准服务可用性费用仍然适用.

避免成本由联合电力合作公司每月计算. (AECI)是合作社的电力供应商. This cost is the actual cost of generating a kWh of electricity that month using all the sources of generation used that month by AECI.

例如,在2006年,这一发电成本从$.023 to $.052 /千瓦时/月.

It is no longer a requirement for the customer-generator to purchase liability insurance for the distributed generation unit. 事实上, the new law states that the 制造商 of any electric generation unit may be held liable for any damage to property or person caused by a defect in the generation unit.

The Cooperative still strongly suggests that a customer-generator considers liability insurance. 如果有故障, the customer-generator would likely be named in a lawsuit as a channel to get to the 制造商. The new law clearly states that the retail electric supplier shall have no liability absent of clear and convincing evidence of their fault.

作为对密苏里州客户发电机的保护, 任何卖家, 安装程序, and/or 制造商 who misrepresents any electric generation unit’s safety or performance standards may be investigated by the state attorney general upon report.
All of the electricity generated by the distributed generation unit will first be used at the member-generator’s site. Any excess electrical power will go back on the grid and be recorded with the use of a special meter located in the member-generator’s regular house meter base. 该仪表的费用将由会员发电机支付. 特殊电表的估计费用可根据要求提供.


1) 和韦伯斯特电力合作社的会员服务部谈谈. 他们会提供信息,帮助你做出明智的决定.
2) 确保你与信誉良好的经销商和安装商合作. Make sure they understand all local codes as well as the requirements of all applicable state statutes, 规章制度. These requirements are intended to, among other things, maintain safety and system reliability.
      Ul 1741, ieee 929-2000, ieee 1547
The hardware and its installation must comply with all applicable National Electric Safety Code (NESC), 电气与电子工程师协会, 和UL (Underwriters Laboratories)要求.
需求还包括一个可见的, lockable safety disconnect of the distributed generation unit accessible to the Cooperative at the metering point or other location as agreed to between the member and Cooperative.
3) Check with your insurance agent about liability insurance on the customer-generator distributed generation unit. 这不是必需的,但强烈推荐.

4) 获得一个 Application and Agreement For Interconnection and 净计量 of Systems With Capacity of 100kW 或更少,并填写A、B、C、D和F部分. 这在协议中有概述. 这将要求您向合作社提供:
•成员生成器系统信息,包括但不限于系统类型, 制造商, 系统计划和规格, 县/市许可证号, IEEE 1547兼容逆变器的详细信息, 断开的位置, 还有一份特定地点的能量流图.
• Installer information as well as the identity and qualifications of the qualified person or agency who will certify the installation.
系统额定输出小于等于10kw, the Cooperative has 30 days from receipt of the application to approve or deny the application. 10kw以上为90天. 如果被拒绝,会员将被提供拒绝的理由.
5) 请联系当地质检部门申请许可证.
6) 安装系统.
7) 请联系当地的检验服务机构进行最终检验. 也, when the system is installed in compliance with the plans and specifications as described in the application, the member-generator needs to complete section H of the application and forward the completed application to the Cooperative for review and completion of section I.
8) 合作社将完成第一节, and with the arrangements made for payment of any applicable fees and/or aid to construction costs, 合作社遗嘱, 15天内, interconnect the member-generator system with an active service to the Cooperative’s electrical system.

For a member who is assuming ownership or operational control of an existing member-generator system, an Application and Agreement For Interconnection and 净计量 of Systems With Capacity of 100kW or Less needs to be acquired with completed sections A,B,C,D,F,G, 和H. 合作社有15天的时间来批准或拒绝新协议.

注意:这是净计量互连过程的总体概述. 详情请与本会联络.

请求成员生成器, 每年至少一次, to conduct a test to confirm that the net metering unit automatically ceases to energize the output (interconnection equipment output voltage goes to zero) within 2 seconds of being disconnected from the retail electric power supplier’s system. 成员生成器应该保存这些测试和, 要求, 应向零售电力供应商提供测试结果的副本.
(*参议院法案号. 54 386.890净计量和易于连接).










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